A word of warning, Forex trading robots are not your quick fix tools to make profit. You need to have a sound knowledge of trading the Forex Market before you utilise any Robot. For this Robot which I personally tested and made a $400 profit in 2 weeks from a $1000 I can tell you this, don’t trade when markets are raging. Make sure that you check high impact news before you trade.
This EA is best for EUR/USD and XAU/USD, this point is based on personal experience. I would also like to stress that profit made was not on volatile markets.
The EA is free without any restrictions and was coded by Osama Shaban. You can visit his blog . The EA can work on any pair but my recommendation is EUR/USD and XAUUSD. For me the most profit is on the 1 hour chart and 4 hours, best results on 4 hours as the is less DD.
I would like to reiterate that you need to check high impact news first before using the EA. The EA mainly uses Support & Resistance to make trades and it is fully automated. The key here is to make sure that you are monitoring the trades. I use it’s default settings but you are free to tweak it anyway you like in order to get the best results.
Please use the EA on a Demo account first with at least a minimum of $200.
Installation instructions are inside the zip folder.

No Sleep EA V3.2
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